Your Information - what we need and why

As a registered service provider we need to comply with UK money laundering regulations which require us to obtain evidence of your identity before we can start a business relationship.

The following simple steps outline exactly what information we need and the format in which it needs to be supplied. If, at any stage, you need further guidance or are unsure as to what to provide, do not hesitate to contact us.

Verifying your identity

We need one document to evidence your name and another separate document to evidence your address. We don’t need you to send us original documents, but you must either have certified true copies before you send them to us (we cannot accept simple scanned copies) or you can provide a copy and show the original to our associate at the initial meeting.

What can you use to confirm your name?

One of the following valid documents:


Verifying your address

What can you use to evidence your address?

One of the following original or certified true copy (no more than 3 months old) (we cannot accept scanned documents):


Confirming your business activity

To meet legal requirements, we need to establish your current business background. It must be supported with documents, data or reliable sources of information.

What happens if I don’t have the documents mentioned?

If you don’t have any of the documents mentioned, there are other ways we can verify your identity. Please contact us to see what else would be suitable if you’re having difficulties.’

Proof of Identity of a Company


Certifying your documents

Who can certify your documents?

Please ask one of the following people to certify that the copy of the document you’re sending in is the same as the original:

How to certify

A suitable certifier will certify that she or he has seen original documentation, has met the individual (where evidence of identity contains a photograph), confirms that the photograph is a true likeness of the individual concerned and that the copy document provided (which he or she certifies) is a complete and accurate copy of that original. The certifier will sign and date the copy document, print his or her name clearly in capitals underneath the signature and indicate his or her position or capacity.

  1. Write the following wording on your documents: For identity verification documents “I certify that I have seen the original documentation and that the photograph is a true likeness and this copy is a complete and accurate copy of that original. ”For address verification documents “I certify that I have seen the original documentation and this copy is a complete and accurate copy of that original.”

  1. Sign and date the photocopy.

  1. Add their name in block capitals along with their position/capacity and address e.g. lawyer and contact address.

  1. Add the official stamp of their office, if possible


Data Protection

The UK Data Protection Act 1998 puts obligations on users of personal information and lays down principles for its use. One principle states that information has to be processed fairly and lawfully. This means that you are entitled to know how we intend to use any information you provide and to check that the information we hold is correct.

You may contact us at any time if you wish to check the accuracy of the data we hold on file.

In accordance with our legal obligations we are committed to take the necessary precautions in order to safeguard personal information held in our records, and to prevent it from being misused, damaged or communicated to unauthorised third parties.

Useful websites:

The Information Commissioner’s Office is the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

Full details of The Money Laundering Regulations 2007